
A cup of coffee can go a long way


Monday, 27 April 2020

Thousands of essential healthcare workers are working tirelessly every day to help those in need during the pandemic, and while we cannot thank them enough, a cup of coffee can go a long way.

Sunshine Coast University Hospital is the second hospital in many weeks to receive 1,000 cups of free coffee as our way of saying thank you. Last week, four cafes at the Sunshine Coast Hospital simultaneously served 1,000 cups of coffee to doctors, nurses, medical researchers and all the support crew who keep the hospital operating.

Earlier this month, Grinders Coffee also provided 1,000 cups of free coffee to its partner Well Bean Co at Toowoomba Hospital, where they provided Grinders coffee to essential staff.

Sally Byrne, General Manager, Grinders Coffee, the support for these hospitals is just another example of Grinders Coffee supporting the community in their time of need. “Our success lies in sharing great coffee with our community. This is the absolute least we can do to support our frontline health workers and we will continue to provide all the support we can to get through this,” Sally says.

Alison Kennedy, CEO of the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation, said “being a health worker can be incredibly hard on any normal day but add in a health crisis and the pressure can sometimes be overwhelming. These amazing individuals are giving up their time and making many sacrifices to care for our community during these challenging times, so just knowing that someone has their back, even for something as small as a coffee, is just amazing.”

Matt Reid, Operations Manager, Spotless, Sunshine Coast Hospital, said it was a simple decision to offer free coffees to doctors and nurses at the University Hospital, “we see these healthcare workers day in and day out. We see them working 12 to 14 hour shifts and really putting in an effort to keep everyone safe, especially in our community during COVID-19.”

A free cup of coffee is just one-way Grinders Coffee is providing support to those in need. The team are also supporting cafes adapt to the takeaway environment in a bid to keep the lights on and coffee brewing.

Visit the Grinders Coffee website to learn more about how the Melbourne-based roaster is supporting healthcare workers and Australian businesses.

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